Bare walls, two vertical cloths. "NaYmA...": Thierry Zaboitzeff's pulsating rhythms, suggestive sounds, the timbre of his voice lure a young woman out of her cocoon. Attempts at walking, conquering space, self-empowerment through language, justification and screaming...  

The Polish dancer and performer Maja Mirek combines theatrical and dance qualities into a broad repertoire of expression. Body language, movement vocabulary and use of space experience a significant expansion into the vertical and horizontal by means of a rope and belt system.


premiere: 9 April 2022, ARGEkultur, PERFORMdANCE #32

dance, acting: Maja Mirek

artistic direction, choreography: Editta Braun

composition: Thierry Zaboitzeff

dramaturgy: Gerda Poschmann-Reichenau

light design: Thomas Hinterberger

length: 33 minutes

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Maja Mirek

* in 1991 in Poland, journalist with a BA degree, driven by the desire to heal the world. After MA degree in interactive media, she changed her life dancing. In 2020 graduated dance at the Royal Conservatoire Antwerp, in 2023 with a BA at ABPU in Linz. Currently engagement at the Stadttheater Gießen/Germany. Besides being a dancer and performer, Maja Mirek works also as photographer.

Editta Braun

* 1958 in Austria, pioneer of contemporary choreography in Austria. Academic degree in Science of Sports and German Language and Literature (University of Salzburg). Studied dance in Paris and New York, teaches at the University of Salzburg and at the Anton Bruckner Private University Linz. Has created more than 30 productions (physical theater, dance) and tours world-wide with her company. Characteristics: intercultural collaborations, politically engaged, feminist view on society and theater. International Prize of Arts and Culture of the City of Salzburg in 2014, Great Prize of Arts of the Region of Salzburg 2017.

Thierry Zaboitzeff

Thierry Zaboitzeff - composition

* 1953 in Northern France, co-founder, composer and style-defining protagonist of the avant-garde rock formation ART ZOYD, world tours. FSince 1995 solo and group-formation projects. Freelance composer and musician for film, dance, theater, events. Release of 52 albums, 19 of them with Art Zoyd albums.


"Maja Mirek's physicality reveals a remarkable diversity in the movement vocabulary shown. (...) This performance of discovery, of trying things out, of feeling one's way forward (...) of self-empowerment, emancipation of one's own body and one's own voice in a space that always seems strange, is sometimes received with a smile in the audience at the beginning. In the course of time, however, it almost feels as if the audience is holding its breath to finally applaud the performer in unison and occasionally even with a standing ovation."

Miriam Ljubijankic: „Figure it out! - Eröffnungsabend des Festivals PERFORMdANCE #32 in Salzburg“, in: