«25 years ebcie - statements«
videoclip created by Editta Braun, 2014
Great Prize for Performing Arts by the Region of Salzburg
Video created by Künstlerkollektiv Moro
«Insight. Outside. 20 years editta braun company»
created by explosive egg 09
«25 years ebcie - work & pleasure»
videoclip created by Editta Braun, 2014
International Prize for Arts & Culture for Editta Braun by the City of Salzburg
Video created by Schaller08: Film- und Fernsehgärtnerei
2017 Great Prize for Performing Arts by the Region of Salzburg
2014 International Prize for Arts and Culture by the City of Salzburg
2014+2015 Heidelberger Theaterpreis
1995 bronce medal at the New York Film Festival for „Collision“, directed by Othmar Schmiderer
2001 prize for the best director at the Cairo International Festival for Experimental Theatre for “Nebensonnen”.
1986 second prize and prize for the most inventif work at the International Choreography Contest of Bagnolet (for «Lufus» of the collektif Vorgänge)