Is giving ourselves to another perhaps a contradiction in an era of self-realization, in a time of seeking who we truly are?
Who is talking about love in contemporary arts nowadays? Nearly nobody. But we do! We feel this big subject of theater must be explored strongly - even now in times of big changes and global faulting.
We live in an era of immense appeal of dating agencies, even mobile phone apps, now promising the impossible.
What is it which causes our somehow desperate search via technology, when we are actually seeking love?
Is it a search for a deeply felt loss of orientation, a general feeling of dread? Or are we really just looking for a mirror image? Why is love so very hard to find?
Is giving ourselves to another perhaps a contradiction in an era of self-realization, in a time of seeking who we truly are?
Iris Heitzinger and Dante Murillo explore the fundamental conditions of becoming a couple and explore their various inner and outer, even existential circumstances beginning with the playground leading to the 'battle ground' and back again.
It is a piece about yearning, about courage, about deep anxieties, dreams, about damages suffered...
It is a piece about resolution...
About doubts and trust, about expectations and disappointment, about competing, about attempts for dominance and submission, about the addiction to closeness followed by a need for inner and outer distancing, about the space we allow and the space we claim for ourselves, and finally, about immense tenderness, as well as a capacity for violence.
This is, ultimately, a declaration of love to a theatre which physically expresses a world of feelings, and what feelings are capable of making us do.
It is that which cannot be named, it is that we try to show in ways which resound.
Spanish premiere: 17 June 2016, l‘Estruch, Sabadell, Spain
Austrian premiere: 19 October 2016, ARGEkultur Salzburg, tanz_house festival
creation, performance:
Iris Heitzinger, Dante Murillo
artistic direction, creation, scenography:
Editta Braun
composition: Thierry Zaboitzeff
lightdesign: Thomas Hinterberger
coaching directing: Arturas Valudskis
dramaturgy: Gerda Poschmann-Reichenau
production: Austrian Ministry of Culture, City of Salzburg, Region of Salzburg
co-production: L'Estruch Sabadell, Fábrica de creación (Spain)
technical requirements:
performance-area 10x10m, black dance-floor, black curtains, good sound- and light equipment
traveling crew for touring: 4 persons
length: 63 min.
Smooth surfaces, physicality
"An intense dance experience, high physical presence of Heitzinger and Murillo, wild and grotesque theater, magic of movement, a delighted audience."
(Christoph Pichler, Upper Austrian People's Journal, April 23, 1919)
Love in times of digital cholera - Choreographer Editta Braun is searching for lost happiness
"(...)Johnny is 32 years old and he is searching for the one great love. Trained by digital dating platforms he describes his demographic characteristics: Dating apps have been measured men and pushed his abilities in self-marketing. But what is happening apart from that?
At tanze_house festival choreographer Editta Braun from Salzburg presented the Austrian premiere of „LoSt“. (The title is an acronym of the word „Love Story“.)
In this piece being loved and being lost are directly related to each other. Protagonists Iris Heitzinger and Dante Murillo are hounded. An accidental encounter at a newspaper kiosk stops them. Does it pay off to halt? Fascination and reservation are coming together. The choreography draws clearly like two seekers are lost in a world which outstrips itself nonstop.
What is love in a time of digital cholera? Is it possible to be together under the constant pressure to define yourself in order to find an own Nirwana in the idea of self-realization?
The duo is presenting itself as a dance of two prime numbers. They are searching a common denominator uselessly. The thrill of ecstasy is followed by a bashful awakening. The nearness is awkward.
What´s left is a tentative desire for togetherness.
Good old humor works as an icebreaker – admirable overdrawn by the music of Thierry Zaboitzeff.
Braun keeps close to nowadays feeling of discomposure. She connects old and new patterns of realtionship seamlessly and amusing.
The interaction between Iris Heitzinger and Dante Murillo is awesome“.
(Verena Schweiger in Salzburger Nachrichten, 21.10.2016)
teaser «LoSt»
full length «LoSt»


Iris Heitzinger
Born 1980 in Austria, BA contemporary dance & pedagogy at Bruckernuniversity Linz. Freelance choreographer, dancer and teacher. Collaborations with: Group LaBolsa & Thomas Hauert, Guillermo Weickert, Natalia Jiménez, Vincent Dance Theatre, Cie. Laroque, H2Dance, Cia. Lanónima Imperial, a.o. Creates own work since 2008 in Austria and Spain, teaches contemporary dance, composition and improvisation in Austria, Spain, Canada, Japan, England, etc. www.irisheitzinger.com
Dante Murillo
Born 1982 in Colombia, graduates from the Communication/Audiovisial department at Javeriana University Bogota/Colombia. MA of Arts in Dance/Movement Research and Pedagogy at Bruckneruniversity Linz/Austria. Touring world wide as performer. Creates since 2011 his own choreographic work. The B- Project and Dancing Museums are his latest projects as a Dance Maker, both of them are European founded initiatives created in collaboration with renown dance houses and Museums in the UK, France, Italy, Netherlands and Austria.
Editta Braun
Born 1958 in Austria, pioneer of contemporary choreography in Austria. Academic degree in Science of Sports and German Language and Literature (University of Salzburg). Studied dance in Paris and New York, teaches at the University of Salzburg and at the Anton Bruckner Private University Linz. Has created more than 30 productions (physical theater, dance) and tours world-wide with her company. Characteristics: intercultural collaborations, politically engaged, feminist view on society and theater. International Prize of Arts and Culture of the City of Salzburg in 2014.
Born 1953 in the north of France. Founder and composer for the Avantgarde-Rock- Formation ART ZOYD, touring world-wide. Since 1995 solo and group-formation projects. Freelance composer and musician for film, dance, theater, events. Publishing of 28 Albums.

Photos by Bettina Frenzel