«Die Jagd»
quintet, created 1989 in Salzburg.
dance: Editta Braun, Mercedes Chanquiía (AR), Margit Fuchs, Anna Karamitsou (GR), Gabi Sund (DE)
music: Carla Bley Band, stage set: Ursula Hübner, costumes: Hubert Lepka, lightdesign: Marc Steinhausen, choreography: Editta Braun
Touring: IETM-International European Theater Meeting Szene Salzburg, Posthof Linz, Szene Wien, Woche der Begegnung Klagenfurt
«Materialien für Tanz & Musik»
dance and live-music, ceated 1989/90 in Salzburg.
dance: Sonia Balaz, Georg Blaschke, Editta Braun, Christoph Eichinger (Beda Percht), Eva Forstenlechner (Valentina Bordenave, AR), Hubert Lepka
Live-Music: Peter Angerer (drums), Rudolf Habringer (piano), light design: Marc Steinhausen, choreography: Editta Braun
Touring: Kulturgelände Nonntal Salzburg, Festival Salzburg:Tanz, 1990
IMMT - International Meeting of Moving Theatre Budapest/Hungary, Theatertage Emsdetten/Belgium, Théâtre des Amandiers Paris/France, Théâtre des Capucins Luxemburg, 1992
Szene Salzburg, Kulturinitiative Der Bogen Schwanenstadt, Biennale Nationale de la Danse Val de Marne Paris/France, Odeon Theater Wien, IV. Internationale Tanzwoche Theaterhaus Stuttgart/Germany, Théâtre Romain Rolland de Villejuif Paris/France
Trailer, 31 min.: https://vimeo.com/332696904
duo, created 1991 in Paris and Salzburg, premiere: 19 August 1991, International Winter Dance Weeks Vienna, Künstlerhaus
Choreography and dance: Jean-Yves Ginoux (FR), Editta Braun
Music: Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, Marc Steinhausen, Patricia Dallio (FR), lightdesign: Marc Steinhausen, stage-set: Andreas Lungenschmid, costumes: Emanuelle Mothe (FR)
Touring: Impuls Tanzfestival Wien, Cairo International Festival of Experimental Theatre/Egypt, Posthof Linz, Festival „Les jaloux de la Danse“ Théâtre 18 Paris/France, Internationale Wintertanzwochen Wien, Suzanne Dellal International Choreography Competition Tel Aviv/Israel, Eurodanse Festival Mulhouse/France, Festival Cour des Capucins Luxemburg, Freiburger New Dance Festival/Germany, Festival Salzburg:Tanz, Odeon Theater Wien, Festival Movements Unikum Klagenfurt, Galerie St. Barbara Hall in Tirol, Werkstatt Düsseldorf/Germany, Bühne in Hof St. Pölten
Trailer, 5:17 min.: https://vimeo.com/329865407
«if I listen to the moment»
short piece for the Luxemburg Dance Company, 1991, choreography: Editta Braun, premiere: 28 June 1992, Théâtre des Capucins Luxemburg
«but kind old sun will know ...»
dance theater, created in Salzburg, premiere 22 October 1992, Festival Salzburg : Tanz
dance: Sonia Balaz, Georg Blaschke, Valentina Bordenave (AR), Eva Forstenlechner, Hubert Lepka
composition: Peter Valentin, lightdesign: Marc Steinhausen, stage set: Andreas Lungenschmid, choreography, costumes: Editta Braun
Touring: Artist in residence, Szene Salzburg, Festival Salzburg:Tanz, Odeon Theater Wien, competition Chorégraphique Internationale de Volinine Paris/France, Tokyo International Choreography Competition/Japan, Festival Cour des Capucins Luxemburg
«Bonjour Adieu»
short piece for the Luxemburg Dance Company, choreography: Editta Braun, premiere 4 February 1992, Théâtre des Capucins Luxemburg
«La Vie, c’est contagieux»
quintet with Jean Babilée, created 1993/94 in Paris und Salzburg, premiere 18 March 1994, Théâtre Jean Vilar de Vitry/Paris
dance: Jean Babilée (FR), Georg Blaschke, Editta Braun, Eva Holz-Dahrenstaedt, Eva Forstenlechner (Céline Guillaume, FR)
composition: Peter Valentin, lightdesign: Albert Haderer, choreography, costumes: Editta Braun
Touring: Tokyo International Choreography Competition/Japan, Théâtre Jean Vilar der Vitry Paris/France, Artist in residence Szene Salzburg, Odeon Theater Wien, Festival Cour des Capucins Luxemburg, Festival Salzburg:Tanz, Landestheater Innsbruck, „estival danses“ Théâtre du Gymnase Paris/France, Stadtsaal Vöcklabruck
Full-length: https://vimeo.com/329808473
«La Vie, c’est contagieux - documentary about the process of creation with Jean Babilée»
director: Wolfram Paulus, Salzburg 1994
locations: Szene Salzburg, private apartment of Editta Braun and Beda Percht
Documentary by Wolfram Paulus, 24 min.: https://vimeo.com/152716968
«Collision - the film»
director: Othmar Schmiderer
dance, choreography: Editta Braun & Jean-Yves Ginoux
composition: Heinz Leonhardsberger, lights: Heiner Sollereder, sound: Harald Friedl, location: Salzlager Saline Pernerinsel Hallein, bronze medal at the New York Film Festival 1994
Film, 25:06 min.: https://vimeo.com/78514486
«Voyage à Napoli»
dance & Rock’n roll live, created in Salzburg, premiere 21 October 1994, Image Festival Vienna
dance: Editta Braun, Céline Guillaume (FR), Sébastien Laurent (FR), Sabrina Oukkal (DZ) (Stefanie Klinge, DE), Nirina Rajohanesa (MG), Max Steiner, Pascal Thièbe (FR)
live-music: Stefan Schubert (vocals, guit, DE), Peter Angerer (drums), lightdesign: Albert Haderer, choreography, costumes: Editta Braun
Touring: Imagefestival Künstlerhaus Wien, Vienna Acts II Künstlerhaus Wien, Festival Salzburg:Tanz, Brucknerhaus Linz, Kulturpolitischer Aschermittwoch Ried im Innkreis, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm Frankfurt, Festival Cour des Capucins Luxemburg, SommerSZENEfestival Salzburg, Festival Tanzbegegnungen Eupen/Belgien, Kongresshaus Innsbruck, Kulturhaus Istropolis Bratislava/Slovakia
Trailer: https://vimeo.com/354292994
Full-length: https://vimeo.com/350063249
«Welcome to Salzburg»
short piece for the pupils of the Ballet School of Vienna Opera, choreography: Editta Braun
Suchbild in Bewegung zu Sisi, Kaiserin von Österreich, Königin von Ungarn
duo, created in Salzburg, premiere 14 December 1995, SZENE Salzburg
dance, choreography: Editta Braun, Céline Guillaume (FR)
compositions: Peter Valentin, dramaturgy: Andrea Amort, costumes: Veronika Kritzer, lightdesign: Albert Haderer, dramaturgy: Andrea Amort
Touring: Szene Salzburg, Klagenfurter Ensembletheater, Odeon Theater Wien, 2. internationales Musik- Tanz- Theaterfestival Würzburg/Germany, Posthof Linz, Cultural Center Istropolis Bratislava/Slovakia, Trencianske Teplice/Slovakia, Castle Bojnice/Slovakia, Festival Cour des Capucins Luxemburg, Intern. Festival of Contemporary Dance Chaniá/Crete, IMMT - International Meeting of Moving Theater Budapest/Hungary, Stadttheater Gmunden, Szene Salzburg, Kulturgelände Nonntal Salzburg, Festival mautfrei Fabrik Heeder Krefeld/Germany, Festival mautfrei Aula am Ostwall Dortmund/Germany, 8. Internationales Tanzprojekt Bielfeld/Germany, Festival mautfrei Stadtplatz Bonn/Germany, Cairo International Festival for Experimental Theater/Egypt, Théâtre Toursky Marseille/France, IETM - International European Theater Meeting, Museumsquartier Wien, Alliance Française Bangalore/India
Full-length: https://vimeo.com/327550165
Trailer, 6:03 min.: https://vimeo.com/330294855
«Im Dschungel des Pianisten»
Quintet for young audience, created 1996 in Salzburg, premiere: 13 November 1996, SZENE Salzburg
dance: Stefanie Erb (DE), Michael Hoheisel (DE), Stefanie Klinge (DE), Julie Wirth (CH); Piano: Toni Kernjak
composition: Peter Valentin, costumes: Veronika Kritzer, lightdesign: Albert Haderer, choreography: Editta Braun
«Grey Blue Sky»
short piece for the pupils of the Ballet School of Vienna Opera, choreography: Editta Braun
«Tutu. Ca va?»
short piece, trio, Sommerszene Salzburg
«Heartbeat – concerto for dance & music, op. 1»
Duo live-music and dance, created 1996/97 in Valenciennes and Salzburg, premiere 11 April 1997 Szene Salzburg
live-music, composition: Thierry Zaboitzeff (FR), dance, choreography: Editta Braun
concept, artistic direction: Stéphane Vérité (FR), stage-set, lightdesign: Gérald Gribé, Stéphane Vérité, Albert Haderer, sound: Bernhard Auer (DE)
Touring: Szene Salzburg, Festival Tanzsprache WUK Wien, Bela Bartok Komitat Györ/Hungary, Maishofner Sommer/Tauriska Festival, SommerSZENEfestival, Steintheater Hellbrunn, Festival mautfrei Brotfabrik Bonn/Germany, Festival Österreich tanzt, Festspielhaus St. Pölten, Impulsfestival Bregenz, Odeon Theater Wien, tanzpool Vienna
Trailer, 8:01 min.: https://vimeo.com/152714168
full length: https://vimeo.com/335972575
short piece for the pupils of the Ballet School of Vienna Opera, choreography: Editta Braun, premiere 19 May Akzenttheater Vienna
quintet, created 1997/98 in Madras, Bangalore/Southindia and in Salzburg.
dance: Bernard Baumgarten (LU), Céline Guillaume (FR), Tripura Kashyap (IN), Santosh Nair (IN), Loulou Omer (IL), Murali Rajappan (IN)
composition: Thierry Zaboitzeff (FR), lightdesign: Stéphane Vérité (FR), masks: Alois Ellmauer, choreography, costumes: Editta Braun
Touring: Alliance Française Bangalore/India, Brotfabrik Bonn/Germany, Festival Cour des Capucins Luxemburg, Theater des Augenblicks Wien, SommerSZENEfestival Salzburg
short piece for students of the dance department of the Anton Bruckner Conservatory Linz, choreography: Editta Braun
dance and live-music, comissioned for the opening of the Salzburg Festival, created 1999 in Salzburg
dance: Andrea Nagl, Editta Braun, Nadine Duda, Lisa Hinterreithner, Sandra Hofstötter, Barbara Motschiunik, Barbara Mülleder, Michaela Schweighofer, Andrea Sonnberger
composition: Thierry Zaboitzeff (FR), Live-Musik: Thierry Zaboitzeff (vocals, cello, guit), Christian Kapun (sax), Peter Angerer (drums), lightdesign: Thomas Hinterberger, choreography, costumes: Editta Braun
Touring: Domplatz Salzburg, Fest zur Festspieleröffnung, International Festival of Modern Dance, Kaunas/Lithuania, Brotfabrik Bonn/Germany, Cselley Mühle Oslip, Minoritensaal Graz, Festival Salzburg:Tanz, Festival Österreich Tanzt, Festspielhaus St. Pölten, Odeontheater Wien, Festival Cour des Capucins Luxemburg, Festival Körper-Ton-Bild Würzburg/Germany
Trailer, 5 min.: https://vimeo.com/334058126
«Dornröschen schläft»
short piece for the pupils of the Ballet School of Vienna Opera, choreography: Editta Braun
short piece for students of the dance department of the Anton Bruckner Conservatory Linz, choreography: Editta Braun
quartet, created in Salzburg, premiere 9 November 2000, tanz_house festival Salzburg
dance, movement research: Editta Braun (Nadine Duda), Sonia Balaz-Browne (Ulrike Hager), Lisa Hinterreithner, Barbara Motschiunik
interview-visuals: Hannes Klein, composition: Thierry Zaboitzeff (FR), lightdesign: Thomas Hinterberger, interviews with Katharina Hinterreithner, Brigitte Balaz, Brigitte Motschiunik, Margarethe Braun, photos: Miki Kap-herr, choreography, costumes: Editta Braun
Prize for best directing at Cairo International Festival for Experimental Theater, 2001
Touring: tanz_house Festival Salzburg, WUK - Werkstätten- und Kulturhaus Wien, Cairo International Festival of Experimental Theater/Egypt, Posthof Linz, Theaterbörse IG Freie Theater, IX International Dance Festival Almada /Portugal, Festival Österreich Tanzt, Bühne im Hof St. Pölten, festival zwanzig+3, Klagenfurt, Stadtsaal Vöcklabruck
Trailer, 7 Min.: https://vimeo.com/334066588
«Zwei Sonnen»
duo, short version of Nebensonnen
dance: Editta Braun, Lisa Hinterreithner, interview-visuals: Hannes Klein, composition: Thierry Zaboitzeff (FR), lightdesign: Peter Thalhamer
Touring: Espace Sobo Badé, Toubab Dialaw/Senegal, Tashkent Youththeatre of Uzbekistan, Creative Forum for Independent Theatre Alexandria/Egypt
«Luvos, vol. 2»
body illusion theater, created 2001 in Salzburg, premiere 18 July 2001, Sommerszene Festival, Kleines Theater Salzburg
dance, movement research: Ulrike Hager, Lisa Hinterreithner, Sandra Hofstötter (Magdaléna Caprdova, SK und Mata Sakka, GR), Barbara Motschiunik (Zoé Alibert, FR), Sabile Rasiti (Anna Maria Müller, Anna Reitbauer)
composition: Thierry Zaboitzeff (FR), lightdesign: Thomas Hinterberger, Choreografie, Ausstattung: Editta Braun
Touring: Kleines Theater SommerSZENEfestival Salzburg, festival zwanzig+2, Klagenfurt, Théâtre Toursky Marseille/France, WUK - Werkstätten- und Kulturhaus Wien, Szene Salzburg Theaterbörse IG Freie Theater, Posthof Linz, Théâtre 140 Bruxelles/Belgium, ARGE Kultur Salzburg International Women's Day, Internationales Tanzfestival Stadttheater Bielefeld/Germany, International Dance Festival Thessaloniki National Theater of Norther Greece, Theater am Rotebühlplatz Stuttgart/Germany, tanz_house festival Salzburg, Sib-Altera Festival Novosibirsk/Siberia, Szene Salzburg, Israel Festival Jerusalem Theatre/Rebecca Crown Hall, Suzanne Dellal Center Tel Aviv, TanzRäume Festival Hagen/Germany, Brotfabrik Bonn/Germany, Theater im Depot Dortmund/Germany, International Contemporary Dance Festival Moscow Pushkintheater/Russio, Festival Österreich Tanzt Festspielhaus St. Pölten, International Contemporary Dance Festival Limassol and Nicosia/Cyprus, Drama State Theater Kaunas/Lithuania, Kunsthaus Nexus Saalfelden, Theater Treff Tallinn/Estonia, Silesian Dance Theater Festival Bythom/Poland, Time to Dance Festival Riga/Latvia
full-length: https://vimeo.com/334264797
Trailer, 6:11 min.: https://vimeo.com/19228340
short piece, quintet, Kongresshaus Salzburg, 2001
acting, martial arts, dance, created 2002 in Toubab Dialaw/Senegal and in Salzburg,
premiere 3 December 2002, tanz_house Festival, Szene Salzburg
acting: Christoph Kail, martial arts: Ibrahima Sene (SN), choreography, concept, idea: Editta Braun
text: Manfred Wöhlcke: Soziale Entropie. Die Zivilisation und der Weg allen Fleisches. München: dtv, 1996.
directing: Peter Arp (DE), dramaturgy: Gerda Poschmann-Reichenau (DE), composition: Thierry Zaboitzeff (FR), lightdesign: Thomas Hinterberger
Touring: Espace Sobo Badé Toubab Dialaw/Senegal, showing, tanz_house festival Salzburg, Kaay Fecc Festival Théâtre National Daniel Sorano, Dakar/Senegal, Théâtre 140 Bruxelles, WUK - Werkstätten- und Kulturhaus Wien, Cairo International Festival for Experimental Theater/Egypt
Full-length: https://vimeo.com/312702162
«editta braun company at Kaay Fecc Festival Dakar» - documentary, Salzburg and Senegal 2002
directing, camera: Hannes Klein, locations: Kaay Fecc Festival Dakar/Senegal, Ecole de Sable, commissioned by ORF, Austrian Television
Film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EphPcHg_WYQ&t=43s
improvisation dance and live-music, performed 3 November 2002 in Salzburg
dance improvisation: Fatou Traoré (FR), Editta Braun, musical improvisation: Antoine Prawerman (BE), Thierrry Zaboitzeff (FR)
«La Boîte»
short piece by Editta Braun and Thierry Zaboitzeff, Ecole des Sables/Toubab Dialaw/Senegal, und tanzpool Festival Wien
improvisation dance, theater, live music, performed 2003 in Salzburg, premiere 18 September 2003, SZENE Salzburg
dance improvisation: Editta Braun, Milos Galko (SK), Lisa Hinterreithner, Barbara Motschiunik, Vladislav Soltys (SK), Robert Tirpak (SK), acting improvisation: Cornelia Böhnisch (DE), musical improvisation: Thierry Zaboitzeff (cello, vocals, guit, FR), Christine Augustin (mezzosoprano)
Old Musik: Georg Christoph Wagenseil, Jean-Philippe Rameau, Text: Maria Erlenberger: Ich bin schuld. Hamburg: rowohlt 1980. Cornelia Böhnisch
lightdesign: Norbert Kammler (DE), concept, visuals: Editta Braun
Touring: Szene Salzburg, festival zwanzig+4 Klagenfurt
chamber orchestra, dance, acting of Eurydike by Barbara Neuwirth, created 2004 in Salzburg, premiere 18 September 2004, Brucknerfest Linz, Brucknerhaus
dance, movement research: Patricia Böhn (DE) (Editta Braun), Magdaléna Caprdova (SK), Andrej Petrovic (SK), (Kamil Warchulski, PL), Juray Korec (SK)
acting: Daniela Enzi, Harald Fröhlich, Elke Hartmann, Christoph Kail, Volker Wahl (DE) (schauspielhaus salzburg)
directing: Robert Pienz, choreography, co-directing: Editta Braun, composition: Thierry Zaboitzeff (FR), orchestera: Junge Philharmonie Salzburg, musical direction: Elisabeth Fuchs, dramaturgy : Ina Tartler (RO), choreographic assistence: Ruth Derschmidt, lightdesign: Thomas Hinterberger
costumes, stage seet: Ragna Heiny (DE)
A co-production of Brucknerhaus Linz, schauspielhaus salzburg, editta braun company and Junge Philharmonie Salzburg
Touring: Brucknerfestival Linz, schauspielhaus salzburg
Eurydike revisited: Creative Forum for Independant Theatre Groups Alexandria/Egypt, Art Carnuntum Welttheater Festival, ARGE Kultur Salzburg, Österreich tanzt Festival St. Pölten
«Eurydike revisited»
Premiere: 2 January 2005, Alexandria Creative Forum for Independant Theatre Groups, Alexandria/Egypt
Dance: Editta Braun, Magdaléna Caprdova, Kamil Warchulski, acting: Daniela Enzi, light design: Thomas Hinterberger
quintet, created 2005 in Athen and Salzburg, premiere: 6 October 2005, Altera Pars Theater Athens
dance, movement research: Maria Koliopoulou (GR), Barbara Motschiunik, Jianan Qu (CN), Erich Rudolf (DE), Stella Zannou (GR), Schauspiel: Maro Papadopoulou (GR) (Ariadne Pabst, DE)
storyboard: Joey Wimplinger, composition: Thierry Zaboitzeff (FR), Vvsuals: Hannes Klein, lightdesign: Thomas Hinterberger, costumes: Marion Hackl (DE), choreographic assistence: Agnieszka Obuchowicz (PL), choreography, directing: Editta Braun
A co-production of ProsXima Dance Company and editta braun company.
Touring: Altera Pars Theatre Athena/Greece, ARGE Kultur Salzburg
«Matches of Time»
dance theater, created 2006 in Salzburg.
dance, acting: Radek Hewelt (PL), Barbara Motschiunik, Rebecca Murgi (IT), Editta Braun (Anna Maria Müller)
composition: Thierry Zaboitzeff (FR), lightdesign: Thomas Hinterberger, choreography: Rebecca Murgi (IT), Editta Braun
Touring: tanz_house Festival Salzburg, Internationale Tanztage Posthof Linz, tanz_house studio, Klub Zak Gdansk/Poland, World Performing Arts Festival Lahore/Pakistan
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEDr9hysw2Q&t=31s
Full-length: https://vimeo.com/357428014
«Coppercity 1001»
dance and acting, created in Alexandria/Egypt and Salzburg 2007, premiere 24 April 2007 at Arts Center Bibliotheca Alexandria, Egypt; premiere of the second version 10 October 2008 at Cairo International Festival for Experimental Theater, Cairo Opera House Small Hall
dance, creation: Zoé Alibert (FR), Barbara Motschiunik, Anna Maria Müller, Tomaž Simatović (SI), Dante Murillo (CO), Editta Braun
acting: Ahmad Abou Kharma (JO), Khaled Raafat (EG), Sara Rashad (EG), Sherif Doussoka (EG)
composition: Thierry Zaboitzeff (FR), lightdesign: Peter Thalhamer, text, idea, puppets: Mahmoud Aboudoma (EG), dramaturgy: Gerda Poschmann-Reichenau (DE), choreography, directing: Editta Braun
A co-production of Brucknerhaus Linz, Alternative Theater Group Alexandria, Bibliotheca Alexandrina and editta braun company.
Touring: Arts Center Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria/Egypt, Brucknerhaus Linz, Szene Salzburg republic, World Performing Arts Festival Lahore/Pakistan, Amman International Theater Festival/Jordan, tanz_house Festival Salzburg, Festival Österreich tanzt, St. Pölten, 24 heures de spéctacle de Kef, Tunisia, MomenTTum Festival Portoroz/Slovenia
Trailer: https://vimeo.com/335964607
Full-length occidental version: https://vimeo.com/335832194
Full-length oriental version: https://vimeo.com/355918580
short film, fiction, Salzburg 2007
directing, camera: Hannes Klein, acting: Ute Hamm, Thomas Hupfer, choreography: editta braun company (Ulrike Hager , Lisa Hinterreithner , Sandra Hofstötter , Barbara Motschiunik, Agnieska Obuchowicz, PL), music: Thierry Zaboitzeff
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y43T4CXmShk&t=29s
«Wenn ich einmal tot bin, komme ich ins Paradies»
dance and live-musica, created 2008 in Salzburg, premiere 22 October 2008, tanz_house Festival, Szene Salzburg
dance, creation: Dante Murillo (CO), Barbara Motschiunik, Anna Maria Müller, Tomaž Simatović (SI), vocals: Gerda Rippel
composition: Thierry Zaboitzeff (FR), lightdesign: Peter Thalhamer, coaching: Gerda Poschmann-Reichenau (DE), costumes: Hilde Böhm, choreograph, artistic direction: Editta Braun
Touring: tanz_house Festival Salzburg
Trailer: https://vimeo.com/45850679
«Abseits» (off-side)
trio, created 2009 in Montemor/Portugal and Salzburg, premiere 18 October 2009, tanz_house Festival, ARGEkultur Salzburg
dance, creation: Dante Murillo (CO), Anna Maria Müller, Tomaž Simatović (SI)
composition: Thierry Zaboitzeff (FR), lightdesign: Thomas Hinterberger, dramaturgy: Gerda Poschmann-Reichenau (DE)
choreography: Shlomo Bitton (IL), Teresa Ranieri (IT), Arturas Valudskis (LT), idea, artistic direction: Editta Braun
Touring: ARGE Kultur Salzburg, Aquarius Era Festival Bourgas/Bulgaria, tanzwutfestival/Kosmostheater Wien, Municipal Theater Serres/Greece
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkR1K_Wvcso&t=36s
Full-length: https://vimeo.com/44729454
«Insight. Outside. 20 years editta braun company»
Videodocumentation, Salzburg 2009, produced by explosive egg
«King Arthur»
dance and acting, created 2010 in Salzburg, premiere 18 October 2010, tanz_house Festival, ARGEkultur Salzburg
dance, creation: Viviana Escalé (ES), Tomaž Simatovic (SI), acting: Markus Kofler
composition: Thierry Zaboitzeff (FR), lightdesign: Peter Thalhamer, dramaturgy: Gerda Poschmann-Reichenau (DE), stage set: Hubert Schwaiger, idea, choreography, directing: Editta Braun
Touring: tanz_house festival ARGE Kultur Salzburg, Kunsthaus Nexus Saalfelden, Drama State Theater Kaunas/Lithuania, TanzKosmos Festival Wien, Posthof Linz
Trailer, 5:33 min.: https://vimeo.com/42574723
Full-length: https://vimeo.com/44303901
«schluss mit kunst»
trio, dance and acting, created 2011 in Salzburg, premiere 5 October 2011, tanz_house Festival, ARGEkultur Salzburg
dance, acting, creation: Manel Salas (ES), Tomaž Simatovic (SI), Špela Vodeb (SI)
composition: Thierry Zaboitzeff (FR), lightdesign: Thomas Hinterberger, dramaturgy: Gerda Poschmann-Reichenau (DE), idea, choreography, directing: Editta Braun, co-directing: Arturas Valudskis (LT), choreographic assistence: Dante Murillo (CO)
Touring: tanz_house Herbst ARGE Kultur Salzburg, Occupied Empros Theater Athens/Greece, Time To Dance Festival Riga/Latvia, Palomart Festival Napoli/Italy, Nexus Saalfelden, Aquarius Era Festival Bourgas/Bulgaria, Apostrof Festival Prague/Czech Republic, Guangdong/China, Culturni Dom Bleiburg
Trailer, 9:25 min.: https://vimeo.com/332734226
Full-length: https://vimeo.com/44736916
«planet LUVOS»
body illusion, created 2012 in Salzburg, premiere 27 September 2012, Brucknerfest, Posthof Linz
dance, movement research: Dorota Karolina Łęcka (PL), Andrea Maria Handler, Katja Bablick DE), Sandra Hofstötter, Martyna Lorenc (PL)
composition: Thierry Zaboitzeff
choreographic assistence: Barbara Motschiunik, Dante Murillo (CO), lightdesign: Peter Thalhamer, dramaturgy: Gerda Poschmann-Reichenau, choreography: Editta Braun
Touring: tanz_house festival, Brucknerfest Linz, City of Women Festival Ljubljana/Slovenia, Sommerblut Festival Köln/Germany, Tallinn Treff Festival/Estonia, mind the flesh festival Limerick/Ireland
Trailer: https://vimeo.com/51908955
Full-length: https://vimeo.com/51197019
«currently resident in»
solo, dance and acting, created 2013 in Salzburg, premiere 11 December 2013, ARGEkultur Salzburg
performance, creation: Dante Murillo
co-directing: Arturas Valudskis (LT), composition: Thierry Zaboitzeff (FR), dramaturgy: Gerda Poschmann-Reichenau (DE), coaching dance: Tomaž Simatović (SI), lightdesign: Thomas Hinterberger, paintings: Evelyn Braun, Sigrid Linher, artistic direction, idea, concept: Editta Braun
Touring: National Drama Theater Kaunas/Lithuania, Time To Dance Festival Riga/Latvia, Beijing Dance Festival/China, Performing Arts Festival Smolyan/Bulgaria, Monospektakelfesival Reutlingen, Dance Days Chaniá/Crete, Arena Festival Erlangen/Germany, Kunstbox Emailwerk Seekirchen am Wallersee, TanzHafen Festival Linz, Schloss Goldegg, Brunnenpassage Wien, Heidelberger Theatertage/Germany, Klagenfurt Halle 11, Wonderland Festival Brescia/Italy, Culturni Dom Bleiburg, Roxy Ulm/Germany, Tittmoning/Germany, Musisches Gymnasium Salzburg
Trailer, German version, 8:27 min.: https://vimeo.com/85350151
Full-length, English version: https://vimeo.com/303036346
a surprise performance for 4 dancers & 1 choreographer, created 2014 in Salzburg
Performer: Martyna Lorenc (PL), Matan Levkowich (IL), Jerca Rožnik Novak (SI), Leon Marič (SI), composition: Thierry Zaboitzeff, lightdesign: Peter Thalhamer, instant choreography: Editta Braun
Touring: tanz_house Festival Salzburg, TanzKosmos Festival Vienna
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCl4RFf_4k8&t=4s
improvisation, performed 2014 in Salzburg
Performer: Dante Murillo (CO), Manel Salas (ES), Samuel Kirschner (AT), Martyna Lorenc (PL), Matan Levkowich (IL), composition: Thierry Zaboitzeff, lightdesign: Peter Thalhamer
artistic direction, choreography: David Zambrano
Iris Heitzinger & editta braun company, created 2014 in Salzburg, premiere 11 October 2014,
tanz_house Festival, ARGEkultur Salzburg
dance, creation: Iris Heitzinger
composition: Thierry Zaboitzeff (FR), stage set: Arturas Valudskis (LT), lightdesign: Thomas Hinterberger, dramaturgy: Gerda Poschmann-Reichenau, idea, artistic direction: Editta Braun. Inspiration: Marlene Haushofer: Die Wand (Hamburg 1968), Sten Nadolny: Ein Gott der Frechheit (München 1994)
Touring: tanz_house herbst Salzburg, TanzKosmos Festival Wien, Monospektakelfesival Reutlingen, Dance Days Chaniá/Crete, Alt Vigo Festival/Spain, Klagenfurt Halle 11, Oberwart OHO, Kunstbox Emailwerk Seekirchen am Wallersee, Aquarius Era Festival Bourgas/Bulgaria, Miskolc National Theater/Hungary, Teatro Canal Madrid, École des Sables Toubab Dialaw/Senegal, PlaStforma Experimental Physical Theater Festival Minsk/Belarus
Trailer, 15:42 min.: https://vimeo.com/109911978
Full-length: https://vimeo.com/108988946
piano, arrangements, composition: AyseDeniz Gökcin (TR)
dance, movement research: Martyna Lorenc (PL), Anna Maria Müller, Anna Lis (PL), Sandra Hofstötter, Katja Bablick (DE)
composition: Thierry Zaboitzeff (FR), choreography, artistic direction: Editta Braun, dramaturgy: Gerda Poschmann-Reichenau, lightdesign: Thomas Hinterberger
A co-production of KosmosTheater Wien, Posthof Linz, ARGEkultur Salzburg, manipulate Festival Edinburgh
Touring: KosmosTheater Wien, Posthof Linz, ARGEkultur Salzburg, manipulate Festival Edinburgh
Trailer: https://vimeo.com/145269699
Full-Length: https://vimeo.com/143994177
duo, created in Salzburg and Sabadell/Spain
Tanz, Kreation: Iris Heitzinger, Dante Murillo
composition: Thierry Zaboitzeff, artistic direction, creation: Editta Braun, Dramaturgie: Gerda Poschmann-Reichenau, light design: Thomas Hinterberger
Touring: L'Estruch Sabadell/Spain, tanz_house festival Salzburg, KosmosTheater Vienna, Roxy Ulm/Germany, Kunstbox Emailwerk Seekirchen am Wallersee, TanzHafen Festival Linz
Trailer: https://vimeo.com/191284978
Full-length: https://vimeo.com/189438457
«Close Up 2.0»
piano concert & body illusion theater, premiere 2 June 2017, Tallin Treff Festival
piano, arrangements, composition: Cécile Thévenot (FR)
dance, movement research: Martyna Lorenc (PL), Anna Maria Müller, Anna Lis (PL), Sandra Hofstötter, Katja Bablick (DE) (Sonia Borkowicz, PL)
composition: Thierry Zaboitzeff, choreography, artistic direction: Editta Braun, dramaturgy: Gerda Poschmann-Reichenau, lightdesign: Thomas Hinterberger
A co-production of KosmosTheater Wien, Posthof Linz, ARGEkultur Salzburg, manipulate Festival Edinburgh
Touring: Tallinn Treff Festival, tanz_house Festival Salzburg, Theaterhalle 11 Klagenfurt
Trailer: https://vimeo.com/233211187
Full-length: https://vimeo.com/221055261
«instant Aphaia»
Site-specific improvisation, Aegina Island/Greece, December 2017, dance: Sonia Borkwowicz
short movie, 1:14 Min.: https://vimeo.com/248996136
film, dance, acting, premiere 23 October 2018, tanz_house Festival, ARGEkultur Salzburg
dance, performance, research: Paula Dominici, Kamil Mrozowski (PL), Jerca Rožnik Novak (SI), Ornilia Ubisse (MZ)
artistic direction, choreography: Editta Braun
composition: Thierry Zaboitzeff (FR), lightdesign: Thomas Hinterberger, dramaturgy: Gerda Poschmann-Reichenau, coaching: Anna Maria Müller, Arturas Valudskis, film-material: excerpts of Nikolaus Geyrhalter’s film Homo sapiens
coproduction: ARGEkultur Salzburg, KosmosTheater Vienna, Posthof Linz
Touring: tanz_house festival Salzburg, Tanztage Posthof Linz, Plesni Teater Ljubljana, KosmosTheater Wien
Trailer: https://vimeo.com/301056647
Full-length: https://vimeo.com/300181867
«instant Kaliska», dance improvisation, short movie, T: Sonia Borkowicz
body illusion theater, premiere 8 February 2019, École des Sables, Toubab Dialaw, Senegal
dance, movement research: Martyna Lorenc (PL), Anna Maria Müller, Sonia Borkowicz (PL)
choreography, artistic direction: Editta Braun
composition: Thierry Zaboitzeff, dramaturgy: Gerda Poschmann-Reichenau, lightdesign: Thomas Hinterberger
Touring: École des Sables Toubab Dialaw/Senegal, Théâtre de Verdure Institut Français Dakar/Senegal
Making Of in Senegal: https://vimeo.com/348038646
dance, premiere 4 October 2019, Szene Salzburg
dance, performance: Cat Jimenez (A/PH)
Alter Ego: Pascale Staudenbauer
movement research: Nella Turkki (FI)
choreography, artistic direction: Editta Braun,
composition: Thierry Zaboitzeff, dramaturgy: Gerda Poschmann-Reichenau, lightdesign: Thomas Hinterberger
Trailer: https://vimeo.com/455401221
Full-length: https://vimeo.com/367581922
body illusion theater, premiere 17 January 2020, Kulturschuppn Mühldorf, Germany
dance, movement research: Martyna Lorenc (PL), Anna Maria Müller, Sonia Borkowicz (PL)
choreography, artistic direction: Editta Braun
composition: Thierry Zaboitzeff, dramaturgy: Gerda Poschmann-Reichenau, lightdesign: Thomas Hinterberger
Trailer: https://vimeo.com/452927521
Full-length: https://vimeo.com/391085155
3 Kurzfilme von Anna Maria Müller, Martyna Lorenc, Sonia Borkowicz
Die drei Kurzfilme: https://vimeo.com/440413344
«long life»
duo, dance and acting, premiere 1 May 2021, SZENE Salzburg
dance, acting: Myrtó Dimitriádou, Cat Jimenez
choreography, artistic direction: Editta Braun
composition: Thierry Zaboitzeff, dramaturgy: Gerda Poschmann-Reichenau, lightdesign: Thomas Hinterberger
Trailer: https://vimeo.com/453075685
Full-length: https://vimeo.com/462818031
Solo, Premiere 1. Mai 2021, ARGEkultur, PerformDance Festival
Tanz, Schauspiel, Research: Maja Mirek
Choreographie, künstlerische Leitung, Ausstattung: Editta Braun
Komposition: Thierry Zaboitzeff
Lichtdesign: Thomas Hinterberger
Trailer: https://vimeo.com/848460710
Full-length: https://vimeo.com/659731489
Sextett, premiere 1 March 2023, SZENE Salzburg
Tanz, Schauspiel, Research: Marcin Denkiewicz, Martyna Lorenc, Nikola Majtanova, Leon Marič, Rosana Ribeiro, Jerca Rožnik Novak
Choreographie, künstlerische Leitung, Ausstattung: Editta Braun
Komposition: Thierry Zaboitzeff
Lichtdesign: Thomas Hinterberger
Trailer: https://vimeo.com/800155866
Full-length: https://vimeo.com/793638913
«Hydráos occidental»
Trio, premiere 20 January 2024, Stadtheater Gießen
dance: Sonia Borkowicz (PL), Weng Teng Choi-Buttinger (Macao), Simona Štangová (SL)
choreography: Editta Braun, composition: Thierry Zaboitzeff (FR), light design: Thomas Hinterberger
Trailer: https://vimeo.com/800243267
Full-length: https://vimeo.com/881231357
Trio, premiere 22 March 2024, ARGEkultur, PerformDance Festival
dance: Weng Teng Choi-Buttinger, Nikola Majtanova, Jerca Rožnik Novak
stage set: Menie Weissbacher
Komposition: Thierry Zaboitzeff
choreography: Editta Braun
Trailer: https://vimeo.com/800243267
Full-length: https://vimeo.com/800243267
Die Jagd (1989)
Materialien für Tanz & Musik (1990)
Collision (1991)
but kind old sun will know … (1992)
La Vie, c'est contagieux (1993), mit Jean Babilée
Voyage à Napoli (1994)
Titania (1995)
Im Dschungel des Pianisten (1996)
Heartbeat (1997)
India (1998)
Miniaturen (1999)
Nebensonnen (2000)
Luvos, vol. 2 (2001)
manifest (2002)
Tajine (2003)
Eurydike (2004)
Eurydike revisited (2005)
oXalis (2005)
Matches of Time (2006)
Coppercity 1001 (2007)
Wenn ich einmal tot bin, komme ich ins Paradies (2008)
Abseits (2009)
König Artus (2010)
schluss mit kunst (2011)
planet LUVOS (2012)
derzeit wohnhaft in (2013)
instant (2014)
Paula (2014)
CLOSE UP (2015)
LoSt (2016)
Close Up 2.0 (2017)
trails (2018)
Fanghoumé (2019)
Layaz (2019)
Hydráos (2020)
long life (2021)
NaYmA (2022)
Hydráos, occidental version (2024)
Proximity (2024)
Lufus (1986), directing: Kurt Liwehr, ORF-Kunststücke
monaxiá (1987), directing: Rainer Berson, dance improvisation
Collision (1993), Rdirecting: Othmar Schmiderer, dance fiction, Bronze Medal at the New York Film Festival
La Vie, c’est contagieux (1994), directing: Wolfram Paulus; documentary
editta braun company at Kaay Fecc Festival in Dakar (2003), directing: Hannes Klein; documentary for ORF
E.poration (2007), directing: Hannes Klein; dance fiction
Insight. Outside. 20 years editta braun company (2009), directing: Hannes Klein/explosive egg, documentary
25 years ebcie - work & pleasure (2014), slide-show, idea, cutting: Editta Braun
instant Aphaia (2017), Tanzimprovisation, Kurzfilm, Tanz: Sonia Borkowicz
instant Kaliska (2018), Tanzimprovisation, Kurzfilm, Tanz: Sonia Borkowicz
Hydrolákis, vol. 1 (2020), a LUVOSmove®-shortfilm by Anna Maria Müller
Hydrolákis, vol. 2 (2020), a LUVOSmove®-shortfilm by Martyna Lorenc (PL)
Hydrolákis, vol. 3 (2020), a LUVOSmove®-shortfilm by Sonia Borkowicz (PL)
extracts (2020), extracts from 31 Jahren e b c
LUVOS migrations, dance film by Editta Braun & Menie Weissbacher, AT 2022, 19 min.
Flucht vor Algol (1983), Trio, Idee und Komposition: Werner Raditschnigg
Gitter (1986), Solo Editta Braun
Passion für für Zwei (1986), Duo Editta Braun & Wolf Junger
Lego (1987), Quartett
Diva (1987), Duo Editta Braun & Andrea Campianu
Felis (1988), Trio
Steinhof (1988), Solo Editta Braun
if I listen to the moment (1991), Auftragsarbeit für die Luxemburg Dance Company
Bonjour Adieu (1991), Auftragsarbeit für die Luxemburg Dance Company
Welcome to Salzburg (1994), Auftragsarbeit für die Ballettschule der Wiener Staatsoper
La vie contagieuse (1993), Tokyo International Choreography Competition
Grey Blue Sky (1995), Auftragsarbeit für die Ballettschule der Wiener Staatsoper, 15 min.
Tutu. Ça va? (1996). Rock-Ballet , 10 min.
Fahrradwerkstatt (1997), Auftragsarbeit für die Ballettschule der Wiener Staatsoper, 9 min.
kalt (2000), Auftragsarbeit für Bruckneruni Linz, 20 Min.
zart (1999), 23 junge Tänzerinnen, 20 min.
Dornröschen schläft (1999), Auftragsarbeit für die Ballettschule der Wiener Staatsoper, 8 min.
Prêt-à-Porter - schön (2000), 9 junge Tänzerinnen, 20 min.
Mozart ! (2001), Quartett, 13 min., Tanz: Editta Braun, Lisa Hinterreithner, Barbara Motschiunik, Sabile Rasiti
Zwei Sonnen (2002), Duo, 30 min., Auftragsarbeit für das HumoFestival Tashkent/Usbekistan, Tanz: Editta Braun, Lisa Hinterreithner
La Boîte (2003), livemusic & dance, 25 min., Duo Editta Braun & Thierry Zaboitzeff
Kellerkids (2009), Auftragsarbeit für Bruckneruni Linz, 20 Min.
we are the 99% (2011), Auftragsarbeit für Bruckneruni Linz, 20 Min.

Photo: Wolfgang Kirchner

Photo: Wolfgang Kirchner

Photo: Frédéric Noy
Photo: Zapo Babilée
Photo: Ibo Scheiber
Photo: Wolfgang Kirchner
Photo: Wolfgang Kirchner
Photo: Wolfgang Kirchner
Photo: Wolfgang Kirchner
Photo: Miki Kap-herr

Photo: Robert Ratzer

Photo: Editta Braun

Photo: Eva Griese

Photo: Wolfgang Kirchner

Photo: Editta Braun

Photo: Leo Fellinger

Photo: Editta Braun
Photo: Wolfgang Kirchner

Photo: Editta Braun

Photo: Editta Braun

Photo: Editta Braun
Photo: Editta Braun

Photo: Editta Braun
Photo: Leo Fellinger

Photo: Bettina Frenzel

Photo: Bettina Frenzel
Photo: Bettina Frenzel
Photo: Bettina Frenzel
Photo: Bettina Frenzel
Photo: Bettina Frenzel
Photo: Bettina Frenzel
Photo: Bettina Frenzel
Photo: Bettina Frenzel
Photo: Bettina Frenzel
Photo: Bettina Frenzel
Photo: Bettina Frenzel
Photo: Bettina Frenzel
Photo: Bettina Frenzel
Photo: Bettina Frenzel
Photo: Bettina Frenzel