Made permeable to dreams and fears by the isolation of the lockdown, our reality is enriched and challenged by surreal, alien beings who break into the home we thought was safe.

What happens when restrictions on movement and contact restrict our radius of movement, isolate us, limit us to our home, to four walls, perhaps a garden? Thrown back on ourselves and the few closest to us, we begin to travel in our heads, becoming permeable to dreams and fears, fantasies and visions. What we have kept out of our lives for a long time suddenly collapses: surreal and alien, expansive and unstoppable. Threat or hope? Another reality that expands, enriches and questions our world. Which has always been there, perhaps, and which we are only now beginning to perceive...

During the lockdown, four LUVOSmove® dancers from  e b c  produced small videos at home in which they let the creatures from the stage production Hydráos enter their world: an invasion of fantastic creatures into our everyday life.

The films were created 2020 in Poznan (Poland), Innsbruck, Linz and in Switzerland during the lockdown in online collaboration with choreographer Editta Braun.

A new version of «Hydrolákis, vol. 1» was created in 2021: «Hydrolákis, vol. 1_revisited» uses a wider range of cinematic design possibilities, as external direction and the use of different camera angles were possible again after the end of the contact restrictions. The effect becomes even more haunting through close-ups and cuts, isolation and alienation even more palpable. Emerging from the constraints of the pandemic, the themes of loneliness and the intrusion of the uncanny stranger into everyday domestic life are developed further. The Luvos beings have left the stage and arrived in our world.

Anna Maria Müller

Born 1980 in Salzburg, Mag. phil., dance education at the Arts Educational School (London), University Vienna and Anton Bruckneruniversity Linz. Since 2005 freelance dancer, choreographer. Founds 09 the Pilates Studio Innsbruck. Since 2006 member of editta braun company.

Martyna Lorenc

Born in 1987 in Poznań, Poland. Choreographer, performing artist, researcher. MSc. Cognitive Science, BA dance & pedagogy. Long-term member of ebcie and C.O.V. Company Off Verticality/Rose Breuss. Engagements with Alex Gottfarb, Alexandra Waierstall, Rosalind Crisp, Georg Blaschke, David Zambrano, a.o. Co-founder of Lab On Stage art collective. Creates own choreographic works, often in experimental formats. Her work draws from interdisciplinary research.

Sonia Borkowicz

Born 1993 in Poznań (PL). BA in Dance & Pedagogy in Anton Bruckner University Linz. Engagements with Isabelle Schad, Jianan Qu, Yumiko Yoshioka, Editta Braun. Founding member of artistic collaboration "Collective B". Culture manager and event curator of Body/Sound/Space and Tanzhafen Festival (Linz/AT).

Zoé Alibert

* 1980 in France. Studied dance at Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance (SEAD). An undergraduate study exchange led her to NYU Tisch School of the Arts, and a postgraduate scholarship from the Austrian Ministry of culture enabled further studies in Berlin and New York. She obtained her Master’s degree in Contemporary Dance Education (MA CoDE) at the Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts, where she further researched and developed her practice oscillating between movement and voice. She works as a dancer/ performer, choreographer and teacher in diverse formats and contexts. Performed with ebc in: Luvos, vol. 2, Coppercity 1001

Hydrolákis, vol. 1_revisited

dance: Anna Maria Müller

special guests: David Müller, Cat Coolsen

composition and arrangement: Thierry Zaboitzeff

Ludwig van Beethoven - Moonlight Piano Sonata, played by Friedrich Gulda

camera: Beda Percht

idea, artistic direction, ©: Editta Braun

Hydrolákis, vol. 1

created and performed by Anna Maria Müller

special guests: David Müller, Cat Coolsen

idea, artistic direction, ©: Editta Braun

Hydrolákis, vol. 2

created and performed by Martyna Lorenc

camera: Bernhard Pusch

editing: Bernhard Pusch, Martyna Lorenc

idea, artistic direction, ©: Editta Braun

Hydrolákis, vol. 3

created and performed by Sonia Borkowicz

special guests: Iwo Borkowicz, Joanna Filipowska

camera: Iwo Borkowicz

editing: Joanna Filipowska

idea, artistic direction, ©: Editta Braun

Hydrolákis, vol. 4

created and performed by Zoé Alibert

camera: Caroline Scherrer, David Zahner, Fabian Amsler, Lukas Lenel, Zoé Alibert

editing, sound design: Richard Marx

artistic direction, idea, ©: Editta Braun


four unpretentious LUVOSmove short films, created by the performers during the pandemic